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Reflecting on the 4th Year Marking the Attempted 2021 Military Coup


This February 1st marks four years since the Myanmar military overturned the country’s democratically elected government. Since then, almost 20 million people – more than a third of the population are in need of humanitarian assistance. Among those profoundly affected are numerous journalists and human rights defenders (HRDs), whose tireless efforts have been crucial to inform the world about Myanmar’s complex situation.

Exile Hub emerged in response to the 2021 coup, focusing on empowering Myanmar journalists and human rights defenders. Since its inception, over 2,100 individuals have benefitted from various initiatives, including comprehensive security training, mental health and psychosocial support, and professional development programs. The organization has provided safe houses, legal counsel, protective and media equipment, among other resources. More than 800 workshops have been conducted, helping participants build essential skills in safety, security, advocacy, and professional growth in media and human rights fields.

As the civil war continues, the community of exiled journalists, HRDs, and activists continues to grow. The compulsory military service for young men and women, announced by the military in February 2024, forced many, including HRDs and journalists, to flee the country in search of safety. Exile Hub responded swiftly, providing shelter and emergency funds to 42 individuals, helping them navigate this uncertain time. 

One of our fellows Ko Kyaw (alias) reflecting on the coup’s anniversary,

“This is not the first time the military has taken control of power abusively, but this time, the people decided to strike back. As long as we have the spirit of resistance, we will never lose hope. It is proof of our solidarity against the coup."

Today we recognize individuals who have been instrumental in keeping Myanmar’s story alive on the global stage, ensuring that the realities of the situation are not forgotten. These are just a few highlights of their incredible and brave work:

Su Thit, one of the Exile Hub grant recipients in 2023, launched the "Breaking Brainwashed" YouTube channel, which exposes military atrocities and encourages soldiers and their families to stand up for justice. By amplifying the voices of defected soldiers, Ma Su Thit provides a compelling counter-narrative to military propaganda.

Yan Naing Aung, a recipient of the Exile Hub Critical Voices Fellowship 2023, was featured in The Washington Post with his article titled “How Myanmar Military’s Unrelenting Airstrikes Chase Refugees from Camp to Camp.” His poignant narrative highlights the struggles of displaced families in Mae Hong Son, Thailand, and sheds light on the relentless challenges they face due to ongoing airstrikes. Yan Naing’s dedication to journalism plays a vital role in raising global awareness and fostering accountability.

The photographer, filmmaker, and activist Mauk Kham Wah received the World Press Photo Award for his striking image “Retrieving the Dead.” He’s also one of the recipients of the Exile Hub Critical Voices Grant in 2022. Despite the risks, he spent a year documenting the experiences of those who joined the People’s Defense Forces in Karenni State.

A Tar, one of our Critical Voices Grantees and Fellows, won the 2023 Women of the Future Awards for Media and Communications in Southeast Asia. Her fearless advocacy for the rights of women, children, and the LGBTQIA+ community, often at great personal risk, has earned her this well-deserved recognition. Through her regular broadcasts on the rainbow news platform, A Tar showcases the power of using one's voice to uplift marginalized communities. The judges were deeply impressed by her commitment to raising the profiles of those whose stories are often overlooked.

We are immensely proud to continue supporting HRDs and journalists from Myanmar. The achievements of these individuals are a testament to the strength of our community, whose unwavering dedication has made all this possible. Together, we continue building towards a future in Myanmar where safety, inclusion, and justice are within reach for all.” expressed Ma Zee, Managing Director of Exile Hub.

As we commemorate this anniversary, let us honor the dedication, solidarity, and courage of those fighting for democracy in Myanmar. These remind us that even in the face of adversity, hope and resistance can prevail, and at Exile Hub we pledge to continue standing by their side.

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